Death Counts and Death Rates (ICD-10)

Historical mortality series based on deaths reclassified into the 10th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases throughout the study period, after proportionate redistribution of deaths of ill-defined causes.
1996 - 2016 Full list (country-specific) Long list Intermediate list Short list
Death counts by age - csv csv csv
Age-specific death rates csv csv csv csv
Crude death rates csv csv csv csv
Standardized death rates csv csv csv csv

Death counts for ill-defined causes (ICD-10)

1996 - 2016 Full list (country-specific) Long list Intermediate list Short list
Ill-defined death counts - csv csv csv

Cause-of-death data in the original classifications (ICD 6,7,8,9,10)

Historical mortality series based on deaths classified in the original Revisions of the International Classification of Diseases, with no redistribution of deaths from ill-defined causes.
1951 - 2016 Full list (country-specific) Long list Intermediate list Short list
Death counts by age - - csv csv
Age-specific death rates - - csv csv
ICD-6: 1951-1957; ICD-7: 1958-1968; ICD-8: 1969-1985; ICD-9: 1986-1995; ICD-10: since 1996

Population Exposures and Birth Counts

1951 - 2016 Available data
Population exposures csv
Birth counts csv